Thursday, April 16, 2009

Freshman Year

Wow. I can't believe it's almost over.  With my freshman year coming to a close, I realize it has blown by. Here are some things I have learned.

1) Don't overbook yourself.  I just wore myself out with Spring Sing, softball, and school all weighing on me.  Then again, I'm glad I did all of those things because I've made memories.  I mean, you only go to college once. I can sleep when I'm dead.

2) You do pretty crazy things when people around you are doing crazy things.  During pledge week, I did things that I would be horrified to do right now in the student center because there aren't people looking absolutely ridiculous right along with me.  I sang the BINGO song on all fours with animal noises instead of the B I N G O. I was so decked out in orange and blue that I didn't wear orange or blue for a month.  I sang at the top of my lungs.  I got on one knee and sang love songs to random boys.  I wrote love poems to several guys, on of which was my teacher who also happened to be a former beau for my club.  I was crazy.

3) You can feel restricted by the rules if you want to feel restricted.  You can also have tons of fun just following the rules.  You don't all have to be at someone's house to have fun.  There's something exciting about searching above the student center for an open room with a projector. Who needs movies anyway? It's more fun to go to Midnight Oil and play Apples to Apples until curfew or Quelf in the Student Center.  Watching movies doesn't help form relationships, but playing games is a great way to get to know people.  I have a feeling that if we were allowed in the same houses, we would watch more movies and have fewer relationship building activities.

4) I have learned so much about the Bible these two semesters.  I absolutely loved my Honors OT and NT classes.  We got to have these groups called "Scholar Groups" and do presentations and projects with them. I got to know people that I probably might just have said "hi" to because of these groups.  I LOVED these classes. My teacher, Dr. Stockstill, is so knowledgeable and allows us to ask questions over our Bible reading. It's a fascinating class.

I can't wait to see how the rest of my college career is going to unfold.

I love Harding. 


Amber Smith said...

So glad you are having fun, sis! Soak up all of the fun that you can while you are there. I am so excited for you and can't wait to see what the next couple of years hold for you too!

Barefeet Photography said...

I love when you post! Since you're home for the summer...make sure and do lots of writing! :) Can't wait to hear what you're up to next! By the way, this weekend was SUPER fun because of you.