Monday, January 26, 2009

The Kingdom of God is like...

This is just a little assignment I did last semester that I thought was fun. We had to come up with an image describing the kingdom of God.

The kingdom of God is like popcorn. The kernels begin their life, soft and vulnerable, lined up on a budding corn stalk. When the rain, sunshine, and cultivation come, it matures into an adult shuck of corn. Then, it is harvested and prepared in bags specially designed for popcorn. But only when it goes through the fire (or in most cases the microwave) does it truly blossom. Not all of the kernels in the bag pop though. Even though they went through the same preparation as the kernels that did pop, the little kernels harden their hearts and refuse to reach their full potential. Some kernels pop only halfway, showing only a little bit of what they were truly made for. After the popcorn that budded is used for a purpose, the hard unwilling little kernels are thrown in the trash or washed down the disposal where there will be stinking and mashing of beets. 


Amber Smith said...

Hannah, you make me laugh out loud! I think I need to go pop myself a bag of popcorn! You are too funny!

Barefeet Photography said...

That is so silly, but very insightful! I had fun this week :)