Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Singing in Prison

Tonight I went with my choir and sang in Newport Women's Prison. I didn't really want to go. There was supposed to be good food in the Caf tonight along with a semi-formal atmosphere, it was below freezing outside, I was tired...there were many contributing factors to me not wanting to get on a bus and drive for 45 minutes, take another 45 min. to get through security to sing for people forced to listen to us. At least that was my philosophy. After our first song, these convicted felons burst into applause and stood for our choir. It took me by surprise. We sang some more and the reaction was just as enthusiastic every time. Wow. After we had sung a few songs, the prison choir (that a previous member of Harding's Concert Choir who was sentenced to prison time but is now released had started 8ish years earlier) sang a few songs including "Nothing But the Blood of Jesus" and another song all about how Jesus' blood washes away all of our sins. They obviously meant what they were singing and it was extremely moving.  Then our choir got up and sang a few more songs. When we sang "The Lord Bless You and Keep You", and we sang it TO them, looking at their faces, tears flowed down the inmates' faces.
             So even though I came in with a bad attitude, God blessed me tonight with the inmates of Newport Women's Prison. I feel like they ministered more to me than I did to them.

By the way, most are in for drugs, but one out of  six of the women there are convicted of murder, including several of the members of the Prison Choir. The blood of Jesus covers a multitude of sins. :)


Amber Smith said...

Wow Hannah! What a neat experience! I am so glad that you got to do that. It sounds like it was a blessing to everyone.

Barefeet Photography said...

That gave me chills...I know how that is, not wanting to do something, but being blessed because you do. Can't wait to see you over Thanksgiving!